By submitting your photos or videos for this project you are agreeing to the below terms:

  • Your photo(s) or video(s) will be added to create a video montage.
  • Your photo(s) or video(s) will placed on Norfolk Music Hub’s Vimeo channel as well as being shared via our own social media platforms.
  • Your photo(s) or video(s) will not be used for anything which may be viewed as negative in tone or that may cause offence, embarrassment or distress for the child, parent, guardian or adult.
  • They will not be used two years after the date the image was taken. If the image is close to its ‘use by’ date an updated permission form will be sent.
  •  Anyone featured will not be named in person.

Data requests should be referred in the first instance to Alison Brain who can be contacted at

Submit your project

Read our guide on how to submit your project here.