The Music Service Information Booklet for the academic year 2019/20 is now available, featuring extensive music education services that schools can take advantage of.

This includes the revised Hub Subscription Packages for all educational levels which are free of charge, subject to teacher attendance at two CPD events across the year and submission of Annual Data Return.

For 2019-20 the Music Service is also offering one term of Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) to Year 4s in every primary and junior subscribing school, completely free of charge! WCET projects are led by high-quality music teachers who develop musical skills on a variety of musical instruments that can be applied in National Curriculum music lessons.

Other music education services on offer from Norfolk Music Service include:

…and much more!

See the full list of services on our Lead Organisation page >>

“Norfolk has a really great Music Service and events like this make all the cajoling and practice worth it.” – Parent at High Schools’ Choir Festival


“Value for money is superb and we simply couldn’t offer the provision we have without the input from Norfolk Music Hub!” – Head Teacher

Read the Music Service Information Booklet 2019/20 online or download PDF here >>


Contact us

Feel free to get in touch if you would like an Information Booklet sent to you or to discuss requirements for your school.

T 01603 307710