Please complete this form if you would like to register for access to the Live Music Now concert series, either as a Live Stream or access to the recordings.

Fields marked with an * are required
This is a: *

Please confirm if you will be joining the live streams on the dates below or accessing the recordings after the performance:

11am-11.45am: Complex needs performances
1.30pm-1.45pm: Primary performances
How will you view the concerts? *

How many young people from each key stage will be accessing this?

Terms and Conditions of offer:

In order to get access to this concert series you will need to agree to the following terms and conditions:- 

1. By signing up to this you agree to share basic data on total numbers of children that engage with the concert series including the number of pupils, gender proportions, key stage data and other such basic information. None of this data should identify individual students.

2. The data that will be required will only be asked for once, at the culmination of the entire series, and will be asked for as averages across the entire year. We would require one data submission per school which would include the data for all students engagement at that school. 

3. You agree to provide this data to us between 10th - 31st July 2024

4. You agree to provide us with the contact details of the person who will coordinate this data to send to us. 

Data protection

The data you provide on this form will be used by data processors contracted by Norfolk County Council and stored within internal servers in the UK. If the media includes images of a child or young person it will not be used two years after the date the image was taken. Data requests should be referred in the first instance to Alison Brain who can be contacted at

Click here to read our Data Protection Policy