Arts Award is a unique set of qualifications that supports children and young people to enjoy the arts and develop as artists and arts leaders.

They also acquire communication and professional skills which are essential for success in 21st century life. Since Arts Award launched in 2005 more than a quarter of a million young people have achieved awards at one of five levels – Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Arts Award and Young Musicians final
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What do I do to get an Arts Award?

  • take part in different arts activities
  • be inspired by artists and arts organisations
  • experience arts events
  • share your arts skills with others
  • put together a portfolio or arts log in your own choice of format

And for Silver and Gold you’ll also get to:

  • set yourself arts challenges
  • organise your own projects
  • research arts careers and the arts sector

Norfolk Music Hub/Norfolk Music Service is an Arts Award Centre, which means we are able to offer Arts Award directly to children and young people within our own projects and programmes (see our WCET Arts Award below). We can also support and assess children and young people through other Arts Award qualifications. Get in touch for more details.

Find out more about Arts Award and Music >>


Arts Award Discover is an introductory award designed for children and young people aged 5 and above.

To achieve an Arts Award Discover, children and young people collect evidence in an individual arts log of their experiences of:

  • taking part in arts activities
  • researching artists or craftspeople and their work
  • sharing their arts discoveries

Whole Class Ensemble Teaching

We have created an Arts Award Discover for any children and young people learning a musical instrument through the Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) programme led by Norfolk Music Service.

Download the log book and when completed, return them to us to have your certificates* issued.

*Certificates cost £4 per child.


Using GarageBand with Bronze Arts Award and KS3 Music

Bronze Arts Award is a Level 1 qualification, and is open to any young person aged 11-25. This resource is designed to show you how, through GarageBand, you can help you meet areas of the KS3 music curriculum and achieve Bronze Arts Award at the same time.

Using GarageBand to achieve Bronze Arts Award, students need to evidence:

  • getting involved in practical music production and reflect on skills they are developing
  • listening to and reviewing live music
  • researching musicians and/or composers
  • passing on music based skills to others

A wide range of evidence formats can be used. Arts Award is proven to be both accessible to young people with SEND, as well as providing a stretch and challenge for more able students.


KS3 Arts Award Curriculum Resources

Download the *new* ‘grab and go’ resources showing you how to link the Music, Art and Design and English and Drama KS3 curriculum with Bronze Arts Award.

Designed to support Heads of Department, Faculty Leads, Classroom Teachers and Teaching Assistants, these resources provide a wealth of lesson ideas, cross-department suggestions and more.
